During the last couple of weeks the sky has been so full of rain, dark, wind blowing, certainly this leaves it's imprint in my drawings. Here are five of the drawings I did during this time, you can enlarge them by clicking on the pictures.
As I already pointed out in one of my previous posts, I'm not drawn to color right now, but love the simple things: a piece of paper and an inkpen. I use to draw with Staedtler ink pens on thick ARCHE paper 300g, mainly because I'm used to this paper, it's off-white color and grainy but still smooth surface, and I like that the drawings look a bit like etchings on this paper.
The process is always the same, I sit comfortably, and hold the ink pen loosely in one hand, either the right or the left hand, and draw while thinking of an idea, an experience, a feeling, a person, a situation. The emotions come from the heart, the unconscious, the body and then they travel through my conscious mind, into my eager hand:) while my eyes watch, harmonize and wait.
It's very exciting to observe what emerges on the paper....
"TODAY" - a day unwinds, meandering through my occupations, doing this and that, meeting other people, working, relaxing.
"BLIND NUCLEUS" - drawn with my eyes shut, I try to create a center, in which I can stay a while and meditate...
"ALL LIES" - Here I wanted to create some tension between different kind of marks, lines, dots, circles and slashes, composing a sort of map. The title popped up right after the last stroke:)
"OYSTER" - in need of protection (a side effect of misty, dark November?) and wanting to protect, but stay in contact with the surrounding world, a symbiosis too
"MUSIC" - I love this one, music floating through the air, like a gift from above, it's not really a substance, but you can feel it and almost touch it and play with strands of sounds...I wish you a very pleasant weekend, we have mild temperatures here in Paris, sunshine and rain alternate, and France just scored a goal in the Eire/France match:)