Tuesday, August 21, 2007

ivy and carnation

Summer vaccation is over , I am back in Paris. It is cold (for August) and I had to say good-bye to my cat Elwing last week. If you love those charming beings and like to have them around, you have to accept that one day, the have to go. And then it is so so sad. Oscar, the cat who is still there, gets all the attention now but he is sad too. I can tell...


Peaceful/Paisible said...

our old dog went away some time ago, we felt so sad, and the little one we had spent a whole week looking for her...animals are so important in our lives

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about Elwing. He was beautiful. Through the years I have owned many cats. Most recently of the three I had, Chocolat disappeared. I think she is gone. But Bibbity and Emily are still here. Cats are amazing. All of mine were "rescued" from either a shelter or they just came to my door from otherwhere.