Another of those beautiful fancy necklaces that has been sitting in a shoebox for 20 (!) years to be painted today! Today they are absolutely fashionable again and I think I'll wear them, (finally) in the summer....I don't know where the beads came from, I guess from England, too.
Gold, Silber und Smaragde, alles unecht! Das kam aus Aladins Wunderlampe!
Noch eine dieser eigentlich sehr schönen Halsketten, die ich seit 20 Jahren in einer Schuhschachtel mit mir herumschleppe. (Beim Umziehen, meine ich). Diese kommen, glaube ich, auch aus England. Vielleicht zieh ich sie doch bald mal an, im Sommer?
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Ohhh Andrea! You know I adore these jewelry paintings! These are really wonderful with a lot of grand colors and shapes. You should wear them again this summer!
I see you doing so many different paintings similar to these...I sure hope you do!
Thanks so much for sharing...
Pretty, pretty and I do hope you start wearing all your beautiful jewelry. Last night (or early this morning) I dreampt about trying on my grandmother's jewelry!)
Lovely jewels. I go through phases of wearing jewels then not. Although I always have my rings on.
Andrea, You do these drawings so well. so soft & lovely. I can hardly wait to get here every morning to check out your blogs.
I did pick up on the connection on Miss doodle with Mallard & Drake. Thank you for thinking of me. I love it..Such fun. :)
You seam to draw so easely. I don't know if that is true. I like the way you draw. It makes me think about drawing again. I made some beautiful pictures, also drawings, but only one big painting a year. Oh, and I draw in my sketchbook every week (if it's not to late at night when I go to bed). I draw sketches for bag's and quilts I want to make. Or I explore my creativity by making designs.
Thank you for your comments on my blog and the idea of painting the bookcover over. I never thought about something like that. I just got the book Painted Quilts, so I still have to get used to the idea that you can also paint on quiltfabric ;-).
Do you mind if I add your blog to the links on my blog?
are you still making masks? I love your paintings - they are so whimsical and enchanting...but I miss your masks. =]
I love green for jewels....
And your green is so bright and lovely.
I very much like this treasure collection of yours, Andrea.
Open Sesame!
Liebe Andrea
Der Schmuck gefällt mir sehr gut und
auch die Farbe,einfach nur schööön.
Liebe Grüße Regina
Love your beads, again. You're pretty good at drawing this jewelry. I can really tell what the pieces must look like. You Go Girl!
Andrea and Miss Doodle: you are both invited to enter a contest on my blog to win a box of maple sugar candy. See blog for details. Winner to be chosen on Friday morning. USA time.
this is a lovely drawing! captures so much more than just the jewelry
Thank you everybody for your comments, which motivate me so much and help me setting up series like this one and stick with them. Because, like a typical aries, my little fuzzy mind always wants to go to explore new horizons:) But the signs of the zodiac are so very different that it is a pleasure even for an aries to stay with them:)
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