Saturday: A bus tour through Paris with my German friends. We sat on top of the Bus, it was cold but we had a great time. Take a look at the "Dame de Fer", The Iron Lady, as it is called here. The last picture was taken at the Sacre Coeur Church. If you come back tomorrow, there will be more pictures:)
click to open
I visited the lady a few weeks ago and had lots of fun too. Enjoy being with your friends.
Have a lovely Time.
Hi Martine and Genie: sniff, my friends are already gone, but the Iron Lady is still there:) I must say I never ever climbed it because 1) too many people 2) too high:)
have a wonderful week, tomorrow I'll show you more of Paris from a bus...
I love knowing the "in" phrase for the Eiffel Tower. It's great. Glad you had fun with your friends. I myself would love to see the Iron Lady but no way would I go to the top. Although as a younger person I did ascend the Empire State Bldg and think I recall walking part way up the steps of the Statue of Liberty.
I LOVE the vantage point(s) from which these photographs were taken. Not typical, different angles, different focal points -- really cool pictures.
You posted these just for ME ~ didn't you????? HA! Oh how I love these photos. Just this weekend I found a little one, probably 8 inches tall, made of some sort of metal, it is now on my desk. Love the Iron Lady. Hmmmmm, that name adds yet another dimension to my love of this monument. Lovely how life unfolds.
Thanks for the post, Andrea.
Lovely photos.. great views of your Iron Lady. cool name.
I love the bird in the last photo on the tree limb. Life showing.
I could never climb it as I am afraid of heights. But to look at it from below would be wonderful. :)
Hope you all had fun.
Hi Again, I have been up about 20 years Ago, even though i do not like heights, But i wouldn,t go to the edge and shook like a leaf when we got back down, and have not ventured up since.
These are some great shots of The Iron Lady! I bet it was a great time with your friends.
I have never climbed her, of the same reasons, too...far too many people!
Thank you so much for sharing these fabulous photos!
interesting to see The Lady from a new p.o.v.
I was disappointed that a couple of your photos didn't open into larger images.......I wanted to see more, close up.
Oh these are so lovely. But then I think I already said that the other day. I'm back for a second look.
Thanks for your comments, my dear friends, I'm always so happy to read you here, and even I at the moment I am so short on time that I can't come and visit and look what you are up to on your blogs, soon there will be more time. I will be on holiday next week Thursday:)
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