Monday, November 16, 2009

La Grande Mosquée de Paris (or: back to color)

Time for another walk through Paris....
La Grande Mosquée de Paris, 6 rue Georges Desplas
on a sunny Sunday morning in October

copyright ©estandrea 2009 / watercolor on Arche Paper 300 g - 23 x 28 cm / 9.1 x 11 inches
click on the image to enlarge it
La Grande Mosquée de Paris, "the great mosque of Paris" is located in the 5th arrondissment, not far from the Place Monge.
You can go by metro n° 7 and take the stop PLACE MONGE then take RUE LARREY until the rue Georges Desplas. I went in this part of the town a couple of weeks ago to meet with friends for the visit of the exhibition in the Museum of Natural History and on my way there took some pictures with my little camera. The Mosque has a beautiful minaret but I chose to paint the other side of the building, cause there were no cars on that part of the road:)
The Mosque is the largest mosque in France, it opened on July 15th, 1926.
I love the pure white walls, and the hispanic-mauresque window and door decoration, the greenblue roofs and the tiles on parts of the building, especially the minaret. The sun helped me to put some attractive shadows into the painting...
Hope you enjoyed this Mondaywalk, have a great week,
much love


Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Andrea.. This is wonderful. Beautiful painting. I love these little paintings you are doing in this style. More More.. :))

ArtistUnplugged said...

Awesome painting Andrea, love this style you do....also enjoyed catching up on your previous posts....such interesting ink drawings!

Jess said...

I love this painting. Did it take you long to do?x

marianne said...

Wow what a beautiful building and what an exquisite watercolor!
The perspective is perfect

Lynn Cohen said...

My sense looking at this was that every part of it was simple perfection~ in every way.
Love it.

Genie said...

Hi Andrea,
love the painting,
Have a good week.

sukipoet said...

thank you for the walk by the mosquee. I too love these little paintings. They seem nostalgic somehow

Unknown said...

Thank you, Andrea. Your work always takes to me majestic places that I shall never be able to go on my own.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your comments, they are so motivating. I have had this kind of fall-pause, but now I want to paint colorful places, to show you Paris through my eyes;

This painting took a few hours, and was done in 2 days. I notice that this kind of painting can't be done in a day, it's better when I do the basics first, then come back later to do the finishing with fresh eyes!

I love the idea of mosques and synagoges and churches all peacefully together:)

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

Hi Andrea, I love the sunny brightness of this painting, especially as it's dark and wild in Cornwall right now! Best wishes. Lesley

ARJUN said...

I love these little paintings

Unknown said...

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