Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Brush and Ink

I'm reading a book about chinese classical brush painting and experiment with calligraphy techniques. This can be a nice basis for a textile design. Have a nice day and do not forget to learn about Miss Doodle's Day;)


sukipoet said...

Oh I like this very much with the calligraphy. You did that too with the brush??? Lovely.

Unknown said...

Yes Suki, I have a book about chinese calligraphic painting which is very inspiring and I got the basic informations how to hold the brush. I'd like to acquire the technique more so that I can combine eastern brushes with western brain:)

Unknown said...

Suki, no, the letters are made with a pochoir! I wouldn't be able to draw the letters like that with a brush, so I used the pochoir.

Andrea and Kim said...

Andrea! This is quite beautiful. I have often wondered about this technique as it is so simple...and I am attracted to that aspect of it. When I saw this (and your other piece in TMG) I thought, Andrea is teaching herself this so she can then use the technique to create her own art! I thought you probably had something up your sleeve (do you know that expression?)


Anonymous said...

You are doing really well with this new venture of yours.
Beautiful loose brush strokes.

Danielle :)

human being said...

Chinese calligraphy talks to the viewers of lots of things (even if we know nothing of the language).

So happy Miss Doodle has got a blog of her own...
I wished to see her in a book.. Sometimes our wishes come true so soon. :)
I was there yesterday but I couldn't leave any comments. Seems now I can!

Wurzerl said...

Liebe Andrea, das lustige Wurzerl (das gar nicht immer so lustig ist, wie es tut) wünscht Dir einen schönen Valentinstag. Ich habe mehrere Bücher über chinesische Kalligraphie und Tuschmalerei (es ist mein liebstes Kreativhobby), am befriedigendsten finde ich die Bücher, die ich aus Taiwan erhalten habe, von meiner chinesischen Mallehrerin. Sie hat auch sehr anschaulich die Pinselhaltung erklärt und gezeigt. Es ist sehr wichtig ihn richtig in der Hand zu halten, damit er "richtig arbeiten" kann. Dann beginnt die Tinte oder die Tuschfarbe zu leben! Ich wünsche Dir, daß Du die geeigneten Inspirationen für Dich findest.
Ganz liebe Grüße vom Wurzerl
P.S. Dein Shop ist toll aufgezogen, gefällt mir, war heute schon wieder drin!!!