I chose the little one with the arrow.

(I guess I will develop all these little girls you picked, they will be great together, that was fun, thanks so much for playing with me:)
A very nice lady writes nursery rhymes ("comptines" in French) and was looking for someone who can illustrate them. A friend of mine gave her my number, we talked on the phone and she sent me one of her comptines, so that I could get an idea of her work and see if it inspired me or not.
It did. When I read it, something jingled in my head... I have no children and don't have much experience with little ones and even less with nursery rimes! Perhaps the jingling in my head is the universal nursery rhyme response:)
This comptine is about a little coloured girl (J) who has been adopted and now lives in Paris. The rhymes are very sweet, we have to keep them secret, though. There will be more pages and we will have to think about the layout. This is the beginning. There should be no more than, let's say 4 or 5 pages. (which means 8 or 10 images!)
May I present you "J" (watercolour, size about 30 x 40 cm (11.8x15.7")
click to open
Copyright ©estandrea - All rights reserved
All these Kat kids are just wonderful Andrea! Good luck with your new project, your artwork is just amazing!
Andrea, love the cat kids, l thought yours would be the amber coloured one in the left corner but liked your little one.
The odd thng l noticed is the picture for the book, l have been working on a little person the same shape exactly, l would post it but my camera won't delete and everytime l update pictures over a hundred ha
ve to be deleted just to get one up.
My scaner and printer have never worked with vista and am waiting till l can afford a new pc then will get a printer scanner that does work. It was just odd that we are both working the same thing.
You messages and pictures always make the day brighter,
oh seems i missed a game....
but I should tell you dear Andrea that all these sweeties are adorable...
hey thanks so much for your comments, patti, jill and human being, there will be other games like this, so you can play along too:)
Jill this is universal connection of artist souls(LOL)
Andrea, this is so exciting. An opportunity to put your pictures to prose. Wow. Love the first picture. And so sweet that you put our names next to the pictures we chose. Some remind me a little of the pictures in "Where the Wild Things Are," by Maurice Sendak.
Be well, Suki
Suki, the book title sounds so exciting: where the wild things are! I looked at pictures I saw on internet and have a vague impression of "déjà vu":) I have to have this book:), it is available on Amazon. I also saw that they have made a movie (or are making it right now) which will be in the cinemas in 2009.
She is a cutie all dressed up like that. I am so excited for you. This will be fun to see done. This is the beginning of all sorts of artistic adventures for you. :)
Love the names put to the drawings.
Hi Cris, yes it is very exciting and I'm so glad to share my excitement with you all:)
I always thought that it would be fun to illustrate childrens books but didn't know where to begin. Now I have two books in work, so to speak:) One in Germany with a german friend (Wurzerl) and one here in France with this new friend of mine, she is from Austria but has been living in Paris for most of her adult life.
It is easier, once the books basics are finished, to go and find editors if you are not alone. I am a lot more motivated working in teamwork like that:)
Sorry I am joining late Andrea! But I love the little Kat Kid directly under the one you like, marked with the arrow, pink dress and blue sleeves? Very cute! congratulations on your new assignment! Well done on imaginative and playful artwork, it's so inspiring to see what you are doing and art in progress, great posts - thank you : )
Oh Andrea what a great little kitten. You evolved the one that you draw first. Great work!
Andrea, these are darling! I'm so happy for you that you got this project. I have no children either, but I think teaching them is a gift. I probably should have been an elementary teacher. Especially art teacher. Good luck and I love your Kat Kids.
o thanks a lot Andrea... you are so kind...
oh she is so sweet!
Andrea, love your 'J' kat kid, she looks as though she has just got to Paris and has asked someone to take a picture of her for her picture book and now she going to lunch at a trendy Paris Bistro.
sorry for rambling on but your lovly paintings make me think of stories,
Jill xxx
She is SO cute!!
Today is my blog birthday ... I invite you for cake (or a look at a cake)! I've listed your blog as on of my favorites this year and I'm adding you to my new blog roll side bar.
Andrea. I read "Where the Wild things Are" to my son many a night and saved the book for years. It may in fact still be in my storage unit. It's wonderful. Magical. Be well, suki
She is precious. Love her little outfit and her little pocketbook. She looks like she is ready for a spectacular journey!!!
Oh my god.................these are soooooo cute. It's perfect! You are very talented I see.
I love your blog and going to add it to my favorites!I will be back
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